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Stress Management in 10 Easy Steps
Jeremy Bria, D.C., Doctor of Chiropractic, Pure Family Chiropractic
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
We all have stress, the difference between people is how well their body, mind and spirit can handle that stress. Don't know where to start? Start here. This workshop will provide you with 10 simple tips, you can begin immediately, to help you better manage the stress in your life and become a better you!
Work Healthy, Work Safe
Jeremy Bria, D.C., Doctor of Chiropractic, Pure Family Chiropractic
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
Learn the elements of workplace safety and how health plays an important role in your performance on the job.
Computer Security Essentials
Jody Jankovsky, Founder and Managing Member, Black|Line Consulting
Black|Line's Security Essentials presentation focuses on the most common computer security issues facing people and businesses today. The talk describes the 4 primary threat categories and a series of technologies and best practices to protect yourself. The presentation can be made to fit a 30-60 minute format.
Is Your Business A “Digital Disaster”
Jody Jankovsky, Founder and Managing Member, Black|Line Consulting
Black|Line's "Digital Disaster" presentation explains how many businesses are failing to create and maintain some of their most valuable assets, their digital ones. Mr. Jankovsky explores what "Digital Assets" are, why they are important to a business/organization and how to avoid becoming a "Digital Disaster". The presentation can be made to fit a 30-60 minute format and can be tailored for your organization or business. MORE >
The Seven Deadly $ins of Succession Planning
Joe Maier, O'Neil, Cannon, Hollman, DeJong & Laing S.C.
In this presentation I will explain the succession planning process. I will help attendees understand what succession planning is and what it is not. MORE >
Understand that there is no “magic” bullet or “one size fits all” plan. Succession planning is a puzzle where several pieces fit together. I will help you navigate through all these pieces and help you see the big picture. -
Inspiring Self-respect and Confidence In Your Children (4 Concepts for a Meaningful Allowance)
Jean Yarger, Author, Bringing Up Nana
Inspiring Self-respect and Confidence in Your Children is an interactive presentation for parents interested in implementing an allowance that will not only teach children to value money, but value the needs of others, while inspiring self-respect and confidence. Discover how, when an allowance is earned, children learn to look past their personal needs, appreciate the value of meeting expectations and, become responsible for living with the consequences of their actions. MORE >
Participants will learn how to help the children in their lives establish a budget and manage spending decisions while discovering that;1. Responsibility is a promise,
2. Meeting expectations creates value,
3. Fair does not mean equal,
4. Consequences are the result of the decisions you make. -
Simplify Your Fitness with 3-2-1
Paul Warloski, Owner and Head Coach, Simple Endurance Coaching
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
When clients ask about the best way to build fitness and lose weight, the answer is building healthy habits that you can sustain. That means having a plan that gets the most of your limited time and energy. With a few hours a week in the gym or outside, you can start to reach your fitness goals. MORE >
In this presentation, I’ll share the current research and practice about getting fit and losing weight. It’s not magic, it’s just 3-2-1. -
Addict to Lawyer: Overcome Anything
Kyle Buss, Attorney, Buss Law, LLC
TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational
Kyle Buss' life story is an example for how anyone can overcome anything despite the obstacles they are facing. Kyle has gone from a drug addict who was close to dropping out of school to graduating from a private law school and having his own law firm. He knows what it takes to overcome, and knows what it takes to succeed. He knows what it takes to motivate others around him. MORE >
Combatting Employee Disengagement via Customized Career Development
Ed Egan, President, Double E Workplace Solutions
Having disengaged employees may lead to replacing employees, which can cost a third of one’s salary. In this session, I will share ways to empower employees to own their career development and performance. We will focus on skills, knowledge, values, passions, and how to convert those elements into SMART Career Development goals that will engage your employees. MORE >
LinkedIn: Your Profile, Your Network and What to Do. Increase Your Success by Using LinkedIn Correctly
Heike Heemann, MIM, CPBC, DTM, Coach and LinkedIn Strategist, IdeaShare Business Coaching, LLC
Does your target market include people with an average age of 45 and a household income of $83,000?? Would you like to find out how you can use LinkedIn to find customers and stay in contact with clients? MORE >
Do you want to be considered for a promotion or a board position? Do you want to find referral partners or staff members?LinkedIn is a great platform to achieve all of these goals and more, yet may people get even the basics wrong.
This session covers some of the most common mistakes people make on this platform and insider tips on how to set yourself apart from the competition.