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Inspiring Self-respect and Confidence In Your Children (4 Concepts for a Meaningful Allowance)
Jean Yarger, Author, Bringing Up Nana
Inspiring Self-respect and Confidence in Your Children is an interactive presentation for parents interested in implementing an allowance that will not only teach children to value money, but value the needs of others, while inspiring self-respect and confidence. Discover how, when an allowance is earned, children learn to look past their personal needs, appreciate the value of meeting expectations and, become responsible for living with the consequences of their actions. MORE >
Participants will learn how to help the children in their lives establish a budget and manage spending decisions while discovering that;1. Responsibility is a promise,
2. Meeting expectations creates value,
3. Fair does not mean equal,
4. Consequences are the result of the decisions you make. -
Restoration and Hope for Women Out of Exploitation & Trafficking
Krista Hull, Founder & Executive Director, Redeem and Restore Center
Exploitation and Trafficking is shattering lives, destroying families, and rendering victims hopeless and isolated. It takes a village to bring hope and restoration.
Each of us desire to be seen, heard, known, and loved. Acknowledging this fact for the women we have the privilege to walk alongside, is the key to hope for them. Though the traumas they have survived are more than most of us can even begin to understand; we CAN love, restore, and support them to restoration.
Our team of volunteers and funders are loving, restoring, and supporting women to restoration! Be inspired by stories of women who have overcome so much to redeem their lives and live in true freedom! MORE > -
How to Handle Bullying Wherever it Exists
Dr. James Carter, Owner, Carter International Inc.
Bullying is a major problem in schools and others places. Research tells us that kids look to their parents or a trusted adult to give guidance and help make difficult decisions. On a daily basis, lines of communication should be open to kids reassuring them that parents or other adults are there for them. Problems and/or good things that happened in their day can be easily shared. MORE >
Human Trafficking is REAL- Let’s Make our Youth SAFE
Krista Hull, Founder & Executive Director, Redeem and Restore Center
Exploitation and over sexualization is so pervasive- in every state, city, and school through technology.
Learn how VULNERABILITY is the key to how traffickers find and use their victims. You are most vulnerable before age of 25; at which time you become fully mentally & emotionally developed! MORE >*Human Trafficking has been documented in ALL 72 counties of WISCONSIN
*Over 300,000 are forced/MANIPULATED into prostitution & trafficking annually in the USA
*Approx 66-90% of adult sex workers were victims of child trafficking and/or sex abuseHear overview of the how, why, and where and stories of victims throughout Wisconsin.
Yet, leave encouraged from stories of victims that have become amazing survivors! AND that YOU CAN make difference in protecting our youth!
Together we can make a difference! Awareness leads to prevention, intervention, and restoration.
We are loving, restoring, and support women to restoration!