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  • Simplify Your Fitness with 3-2-1

    Paul Warloski, Owner and Head Coach, Simple Endurance Coaching

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    When clients ask about the best way to build fitness and lose weight, the answer is building healthy habits that you can sustain. That means having a plan that gets the most of your limited time and energy. With a few hours a week in the gym or outside, you can start to reach your fitness goals. MORE >

    In this presentation, I’ll share the current research and practice about getting fit and losing weight. It’s not magic, it’s just 3-2-1.
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  • The Habits of Top Producers

    Dama Wells-Foster, MBA, Lead Generation & Business Breakthrough Strategist, Dama Foster Intl, LLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    At the workshop you will get at least 10 new ideas that you can use immediately to get more sales, make more money, and have more fun at work! MORE >

    Some of the things that will be discussed are:
    •Advanced Closing Techniques
    •Handling Objections and Excuses
    •Creative Prospecting Ideas
    •Selling to Behavioral Styles
    •Setting Realistic Goals
    •Time Management Practices
    •Building a Referral Based Clientele

    I promise that you'll be impressed with the presentation and that your team will leave the workshop fired up and full of great ideas to go out and close more sales. I look forward to partnering together with you as a team to help get your group to the next level!

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  • Divorce is Expensive. Lower the Conflict and Lower the Cost.

    Karyn Youso, Mediator/Respectful Divorce Attorney, First Look Family Law, SC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Financial

    What is Collaborative Divorce? Using a team of professionals (legal, financial, mental health) to assist families through the divorce process outside of court. The clients and team all sign agreements not to use the adversarial court process. MORE >

    What is Cooperative Practice? Clients engage in open communication and information sharing with the goal of minimizing conflict and reaching resolution without a trial. Does it always work? Of course not. But the choice of professional makes all the difference. What is mediation? Using a neutral expert to help parties negotiate their family law issues and achieve compromise even where there is conflict. The mediator does not give advice or advocate for either party, but helps facilitate the discussion to allow both sides to see options and outcomes they might prefer. All of these low conflict processes are healthier (and less expensive) for families than drawn out public fighting in court.
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  • Addict to Lawyer: Overcome Anything

    Kyle Buss, Attorney, Buss Law, LLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    Kyle Buss' life story is an example for how anyone can overcome anything despite the obstacles they are facing. Kyle has gone from a drug addict who was close to dropping out of school to graduating from a private law school and having his own law firm. He knows what it takes to overcome, and knows what it takes to succeed. He knows what it takes to motivate others around him. MORE >

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  • Combatting Employee Disengagement via Customized Career Development

    Ed Egan, President, Double E Workplace Solutions

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    Having disengaged employees may lead to replacing employees, which can cost a third of one’s salary. In this session, I will share ways to empower employees to own their career development and performance. We will focus on skills, knowledge, values, passions, and how to convert those elements into SMART Career Development goals that will engage your employees. MORE >

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  • The Right Talent, Right Now

    Becky Kekula, International Motivational Speaker & Disability Advocate, Becky Motivates

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    1,000 applications. 100 interviews. Four months. Three temporary positions. This may sound like the premise for this holiday season’s new comedy - but it’s not. It is, however, the real life experience of Becky Curran Kekula, who ended up working in the film industry for the first part of her career. MORE >

    Join Becky Curran Kekula to hear about her journey in overcoming adversity in the hiring process and taking on opportunities in the workplace. Learn how to overcome your own unconscious bias and how you can be an ally to your fellow co-workers and communities.
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  • Deskercise, get fit while you sit!

    Jeremy Bria, D.C., Doctor of Chiropractic, Pure Family Chiropractic

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    Tips to correct your posture and some tips on decreasing the stress on your body from sitting all day.

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  • The Potential of the Human Will – Overcoming Life’s Obstacles by Finding Your Inner Strengths to Achieve Exceptional Results

    Carla Ernst, Motivational Speaker, CarlaAnne Communications

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    Your life is what you want it to be. If I’ve learned one thing in business and life – it is to navigate around obstacles and reach into your inner strength and find your “extraordinary” for guidance. It’s the strength we see in ourselves that crushes all the doubts and fears we may be experiencing. MORE >

    Make a commitment now to choose just one obstacle, Think about it from this new perspective, and focus on getting around it and to the goal on the other side. Know when to laugh at yourself and have some fun, and you will find a way to get around obstacles and achieve exceptional results.

    Defining Your Obstacle
    Obstacles come in different shapes and sizes, times, and places – and when we least expect them. The good news is that they can be overcome. The only limits are those we place on ourselves. Obstacles can teach critical thinking, resilience, and resourcefulness. This talk is about the tools that can help people overcome obstacles and obtain personal and professional success.

    Carla’s Life-Changing Obstacle – Blindness
    I use the word “obstacle” because that’s what a blind person is taught when they detect something in their path with their white mobility cane, as an allegory to life obstacles. [I then show my white mobility cane and talk briefly about how life changed forever when I lost my eyesight]. Going blind – from a fully functioning independent woman to being completely immobilized. However, I chose to embrace my blindness and work towards living a fun, fulfilling, and productive life, and now am discovering new joys of life not noticed previously that were hidden by eyesight. Today, I work as a writer, author, speaker, and musician. My blindness also gave me the opportunity to empower and encourage people to reach their goals – regardless of any obstacles they need to overcome.

    Attaining Success
    Success comes from accessing our inner strengths living deep inside the core foundation of who we are. These strengths are a source of inexhaustible energy. They can be found when we reaffirm our spiritual beliefs, immerse ourselves in nature, explore our passions, and recognize our skills. This journey of discovery empowers us to feel capable, competent, and courageous. It is about believing in ourselves – expressed in attitude and a sense of confidence – and it helps us to be able to say “I can.”

    Finding Your Inner Strength
    Start by de-cluttering your mind and free up mental space – from friends, family, electronics. Carve out daily quiet time to remove mental distractions, restore focus and clarity; declutter physical workspace, get up early, exercise, don’t eat sugar, and make your bed.

    Seven Key Learnings
    These are some of the key learnings that have worked well for me in my life and career that have helped me successfully identify, assess, map out, and overcome obstacles. They are to:

    1. Expect obstacles – by accepting them as a normal part of life, we become stronger
    2. Follow your passion and dreams – this gives us a framework in which to succeed
    3. Focus on the solution – assess the problem, keep the goal in perspective
    4. Prioritize – focus on the important, not the urgent
    5. Write every day – jot it down, date it, sign it
    6. Never give up – we only fail when we stop trying
    7. Celebrate your successes – congratulate yourself in a book of “wins”

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  • Health: More than just Absence of Disease.

    Dr. Joseph Beier, D.C., Board Certified Chiropractor, Acu-Med Integrative Medicine

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    What is health and how does our mind, body, environment and diet affect our health? Dr. Beier will tell what our habits say about us and how to make a healthy choice into a habit. He will also define health care vs. sick care and tell how Chiropractic helps the body adapt for better health.
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  • Trigger Point Massage for the Layperson

    Curry Chaudoir, Diplomate in Acupuncture, Acupuncture and Holistic Health Associates

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    In this hands-on seminar, participants will learn about:
    1. The 5 branches of Oriental Medicine and how they are used to improve health and promote longevity,
    2. Trigger Point Massage techniques to use at home,
    3. What causes trigger points in the body, and
    4. How to eliminate trigger points to make you more productive, happy and healthy.

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