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Combatting Employee Disengagement via Customized Career Development
Ed Egan, President, Double E Workplace Solutions
Having disengaged employees may lead to replacing employees, which can cost a third of one’s salary. In this session, I will share ways to empower employees to own their career development and performance. We will focus on skills, knowledge, values, passions, and how to convert those elements into SMART Career Development goals that will engage your employees. MORE >
Simplify Your Fitness with 3-2-1
Paul Warloski, Owner and Head Coach, Simple Endurance Coaching
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
When clients ask about the best way to build fitness and lose weight, the answer is building healthy habits that you can sustain. That means having a plan that gets the most of your limited time and energy. With a few hours a week in the gym or outside, you can start to reach your fitness goals. MORE >
In this presentation, I’ll share the current research and practice about getting fit and losing weight. It’s not magic, it’s just 3-2-1. -
Successful Advertising Is Unselfish: How To Build Client Financed Marketing Campaigns
Jeff Van Kampen, Co - Owner, UVK Media Marketing
"The business that can spend the most to acquire a client, wins" That is the fundamental statement to understand in your marketing and advertising efforts. It's not about being selfish. It's not about number of leads. It's about building a company your current and future clients genuinely want to work with. MORE >
Discover how to implement a step-by-step system that will allow you to keep your pipeline full and advertise in a way that will have your prospects running to work with you. -
Addict to Lawyer: Overcome Anything
Kyle Buss, Attorney, Buss Law, LLC
TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational
Kyle Buss' life story is an example for how anyone can overcome anything despite the obstacles they are facing. Kyle has gone from a drug addict who was close to dropping out of school to graduating from a private law school and having his own law firm. He knows what it takes to overcome, and knows what it takes to succeed. He knows what it takes to motivate others around him. MORE >
The Right Talent, Right Now
Becky Kekula, International Motivational Speaker & Disability Advocate, Becky Motivates
TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational
1,000 applications. 100 interviews. Four months. Three temporary positions. This may sound like the premise for this holiday season’s new comedy - but it’s not. It is, however, the real life experience of Becky Curran Kekula, who ended up working in the film industry for the first part of her career. MORE >
Join Becky Curran Kekula to hear about her journey in overcoming adversity in the hiring process and taking on opportunities in the workplace. Learn how to overcome your own unconscious bias and how you can be an ally to your fellow co-workers and communities. -
Endless Referrals
Jim Rosetti, Host and Author, Biz Connection Syndicated Radio Show
Radio show host and entrepreneur, Jim Rosetti, presents a lively discussion on what networking is and what it does for you. Jim provides valuable tips on how to work any crowd and profitable follow up techniques to turn your networking efforts into endless referrals.
Leveraging LinkedIn
Eric Thompson, Certified Trainer, Sandler Training PSTA in Wisconsin
You don't have to be a LinkedIn wizard to grow your business through social selling. You can use your own network of business contacts, and your company's network, to take a proactive, client-centered view of prospecting on LinkedIn. This workshop is not a marketing workshop. It cuts through all the noise, tech-speak, and misconceptions about LinkedIn and social selling. MORE >
You Will Learn How To:
• Create A Client-Attracting Profile
• Get Connected With Prospects & Clients
• Search For Quality Leads & Prospects
• Make Contact With Decision-MakersThis workshop presented by Eric Thompson and the techniques shared are endorsed and created in a partnership with LinkedIn and Sandler Training to teach salespeople how to create a social selling plan to attract, and make contact with, and close more prospects. All Attendees receive a free eBook- "Linkedin the Sandler Way"
Essential Oils for a Healthy Workforce, Healthy Bottom Line
Laurel Kashinn, Wellness Advocate with doTERRA Int'l,
Want to reduce your healthcare costs by actually helping your associates and family BE healthier? Learn how to use essential oils as a foundation to a wellness lifestyle, proven to achieve wellness and lower medical costs! Laurel Kashinn, Wellness Advocate with doTERRA International, is available to teach Natural Solutions to nonprofits, businesses, organizations, and individuals. Learn how and why Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) essential oils like Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint and more can support and create lifestyles of wellness. Learn what are essential oils, how to use them, why CPTG oils, and practical applications to everyday life. MORE >
For the first time there is data comparing a statistically significant population of regular essential oil users to standard Americans of the same demographic who do not use essential oils. The results are remarkable. Regular EO use slashed medical expenses in half and cut pharmaceutical costs 75%, for 900+ full-time employees of doTERRA International in 2016. That was despite the employee base being young, of childbearing age, with a much higher-than-national average birth rate and family size--which usually drives up cost!At last! A proven way to get healthy AND reduce health care costs! Contact Laurel Kashinn today!
Energy Management for Business Owners and Professionals: 10 Ways to Ignite Your Energy and Your Results
Jill Borsos, Transformation Personal/Business Coach & Event Speaker, Jill Borsos, LLC
We often hear that time is our most important resource. I believe that energy is our most important resource. You can have all day to get something done, yet at the end of the day, it's still not done. Why? Of course there can be a multitude of reasons, but one of them is energy. If you don't have the energy to get it done, it simply won't get done. Learn how to heighten your energy and your results! MORE >
Everything is energy! Life is constant expending and replenishing energy.Discover 10 ways to ignite your energy and your results to take leap into inspired action!
The 7 Requirements for Transformational Growth
Lucas J. Robak, Speaker, Consultant, Author, Think Different! Be Different!
TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement
Fire up your life with a new view of personal growth. From start to finish, the impossible is now possible.