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5 Secrets to Looking and Feeling Younger
Curry Chaudoir, Diplomate in Acupuncture, Acupuncture and Holistic Health Associates
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
Do you ever feel older than you are? In this presentation, we will discuss five extraordinary, but easy-to-apply secrets that bring youth, health and vitality back into your day-to-day life.
5 tips to Maximizing your referrals!
Eric Thompson, Certified Trainer, Sandler Training PSTA in Wisconsin
You'll discover the top five things needed to maximize revenue from referrals this year. Teach yourself to get referrals using a system which you are comfortable using. MORE >
Join us if you: Feel like you are wasting your time asking for referrals? Not sure how to describe who is a good prospect? Or just plain “lost” when it comes referrals.“Did you ask for referrals today”… be able to answer “YES”
7 Ingredients for Successful Sales
Jim Cornelius, President/Owner, Professional Sales Training Associates Inc. - Sandler Training
Tired of hearing convenient excuses? -The decision maker is unavailable. -I need to lower the price to get this deal. -I’m too busy doing more quotes and RFP’s. -I have to reforecast my goals. Poor performance can be corrected and good performance can be transformed into great results. Learn to challenge the business environment and keep sales efforts organized and growing. In discussion, you will discover compelling sales and management strategies you can immediately implement. MORE >
7 Ridiculously Simple Habits to Transform Your Diet, Body and Outlook on Life Forever
Amy Friese, Certified Health Coach and Founder, Fearless Nutrition
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
We’re all creatures of habit. Habits are powerful. Shaking things up every now and again, however, is crucial to stay motivated and inspired. Challenge is, we’re too busy, tired, and stressed to take consistent action. But there’s hope... MORE >
Join Transformation Coach and International Speaker Amy Friese as she sheds a bright light on seven ridiculously simple habits that can transform your body, diet and outlook on life forever. If it worked for this endurance athlete during the toughest time of her life, it can work in everything you do, too.Ready. Set. GO love up and live out your dreams!
Acupuncture for Pain Management
Kevin Shoemake, Associate Acupuncturist, Acu-Med Integrative Medicine
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
Hear a brief of history of Acupuncture, and how it is used in an integrative medicine environment. Learn about the many ways can help manage pain, from chronic symptoms to new sprains, and help you reach your improvement goals.
Addict to Lawyer: Overcome Anything
Kyle Buss, Attorney, Buss Law, LLC
TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational
Kyle Buss' life story is an example for how anyone can overcome anything despite the obstacles they are facing. Kyle has gone from a drug addict who was close to dropping out of school to graduating from a private law school and having his own law firm. He knows what it takes to overcome, and knows what it takes to succeed. He knows what it takes to motivate others around him. MORE >
Awakening Awesomeness: Moving Towards Excellence
Lucas J. Robak, Speaker, Consultant, Author, Think Different! Be Different!
TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement
Empower yourself through this interactive presentation. Re-ignite your passions and discover your purpose!
Basic Nutritional Considerations: The Standard American Diet vs. Nutrition.
Dr. Joseph Beier, D.C., Board Certified Chiropractor, Acu-Med Integrative Medicine
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
What is the Standard American Diet? Dr. Beier will discuss what constitutes proper nutritional intake, recommended portion sizes, how to read a nutritional label and how to make better food choices for better health.
Behaviors of Change: Turning Failure into Hope through Sustainable Life Strategies
Tim Christian, Author / Executive
TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement
What is hope and how is hope attained? In this inspiring talk, attendees will learn about the power of hope, hope discovery and personal change. The speaker will lead attendees through a self assessment to determine what needs to change, reflection on one’s life, the importance of the decision to change, a simple change plan, acting on the plan to change, and sustaining change. The change message will transition to hope. There, attendees will canvas hope but from an unusual source, and apply hope to daily experiences. The purpose of the message will ignite aspiration to make a difference! MORE >
www.behaviorsofchange.comTim Christian had a goal and dream of becoming a professional football player. He was there, within an inch of an NFL jersey, with 25 top agents chasing him and promising the world – and then his plans were dashed before getting the opportunity. What happened next, over the course of months, was a broken heart that changed into life renewed.
Boost your networking success by overcoming these four key challenges
Karen Grishaber, Personal Branding Specialist & Job Search Coach
Learn how to overcome key networking challenges to boost your confidence and networking success -- including how to feel more comfortable approaching others and build more lasting relationships.